Stability, Reliability, Efficiency
Stability, Reliability, Efficiency
Silver Run Electric strengthens the region’s electric grid by connecting Delaware and Southern New Jersey–improving stability, reliability, and efficiency.

Silver Run Electric’s transmission facilities provide a new link between Delaware and Southern New Jersey, supporting the secure, reliable operation of the PJM Interconnection’s grid across the Mid-Atlantic. Silver Run Electric was completed on schedule and within the guaranteed cost cap.
Key Features

Improving Reliability
A new electric connection between the Delmarva Peninsula in Delaware and Southern New Jersey to resolve reliability concerns identified by the grid operator.

Reducing Costs
Our transmission facilities reduce energy bottlenecks within the Delmarva Peninsula, economically optimizing the flow of electricity and resulting in approximately $17 million in annual savings to Delmarva electric consumers.

Silver Run Electric established a first-of-its-kind project construction cost containment to protect electricity consumers from paying for cost overruns; a new, consumer-focused approach in the utility world.
Our innovative spirit extends to Silver Run Electric’s use of environmentally-sensitive installation technologies and route options that protect wetlands and wildlife, which were a key reason Silver Run Electric was awarded the project.

Competition is Our Difference
Competition for new transmission development brings significant value to electricity consumers and the regions they live in. Our company was selected through a competitive bidding process pursuant to FERC Order 1000 to develop Silver Run’s transmission facilities. Because of this competitive process, PJM received a cost-effective, innovative solution that answered unique challenges to PJM’s request for proposals – such as the development of a three-mile underground river crossing to connect transmission lines to one of the largest nuclear installations in the United States.
How the PJM Electric Market Works
PJM manages the flow of electricity in all or part of 13 states, serving about 65 million customers.